Why Misuse Of Chemicals By Cleaners Is Common

Overuse and misuse of disinfectants - The top five disasters

Poorly trained cleaners who incorrectly use and mix chemicals and  disinfectants can:

  1. Kill weaker germs but leave resistant germs behind on surfaces and floors.
  2. Disinfect a dirty surface, leaving behind harmful bacteria and viruses hiding under dirt left behind in the cleaning process.
  3. Wipe or rinse off the disinfectant before the proper dwell time is reached.
  4. Have never heard of the term dwell time or do not know what the dwell time for their specific chemicals are to achieve efficacy rates.
  5. Not using the correct dilution ratio’s; Using too little results in leaving the bacteria and viruses behind, this is known as cost cutting, or increasing dilution ratio’s increases the risk of chemical toxicity to children.

Health effects from exposure to toxic chemicals in small children may not show up for years or even decades. Unlike adults, children have many years to develop illnesses caused by early exposure to toxic chemicals. H-Pro practice the precautionary principle and protect children from potential health effects through the use of Aqueous Ozone.

Why Misuse Of Chemicals By Cleaners Is Common
H-PRO Cleaners are Industry Leaders in Early Learning Centre Cleaning


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